AAN Continuum


Continuum Self-Assessment Program (SAP) by the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) is designed to convey the most current advances and future trends in areas of fast-moving clinical innovation to practicing Neurologists.

This highly scientific and unbiased educational material is specially developed by experts in the Neurology field, offering easy updating to the busy clinician in each of the pathologies.

Continuum is a CASE-BASED SAP allowing your physicians to apply real-world situations to their educational journey.

Multiple Sclerosis
Bi-Polar Disorder
Alzheimer’s Disease
Parkinsons Disease

Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology seeks to erase boundaries in neurology care, whether between countries or specialties, and pursue their mission across neurology worldwide.

  • To improve the quality of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, supportive and palliative care, as well as the follow-up of patients with malignant disorders
  • To advance the art, science, recognition, and practice of Neurology
  • To disseminate knowledge in Neurology to patients and the public
  • To educate and train persons involved in clinical Neurology care and research
  • To promote education in Neurology in order to ensure a high standard of qualification of medical Neurologists within the multidisciplinary team
  • To facilitate equal access to optimal Neurology care to all patients
  • To maintain liaisons with other Neurology specialties, universities, patient groups and, where appropriate, the pharmaceutical industry

# of Modules: 3
Targeting: Neurologists


  • Certificate of Completion and CME accreditation from The American Association of Continuing Medical Education (AACME), the world’s leading authority on CME
  • CCM is a fully accredited CME provider by the AACME
  • Can also be developed in cooperation with local societies